Let's be honest, Sound on Sound is one of, if not the go-to publication for all things Music Tech. From their thoughtful and in-depth gear reviews to their How-To's, SOS has cemented itself as an oft-visited resource for all of us in the music world. As such, we're super honored to have been reviewed by John Walden for their June print issue. The full review has finally been released on the ol' interwebs for everyone to read, and we thought we'd share it here with you. Here's a quick little excerpt from John.
"There is undoubtedly a debate to be had about the merits of subscriptions versus one‑off perpetual purchases. However, if your music is part of what puts food on the table, as an investment in your business, Musio’s $9.99 per month is probably less than you would be paying for your phone contract, your fibre‑based Internet access, or even a moderate coffee habit. As a composer, I’m not sure I can think of a bigger bang for your buck than a product like Musio might bring."
A huge thanks to John Walden for such an insightful and informative review, and to the Sound on Sound team for publishing our first big write-up in a major music tech publication. We're stoked, honored, and can't wait to have more to share!